Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can I use baseball cleats for football or vis versa?

I don't play it on a team or anything. Me and my friends play football and baseball maybe 10 times a year so I was wondering if I could only buy one pair of shoes that would give me enough support for both sports. Thanks

Can I use baseball cleats for football or vis versa?
Yea, so long as your baseball cleats aren't spike (metal). Other than that I would suggest a pair of high tops if you're going to use them for both. While the low tops are good and comfy for baseball sometimes they don't offer the ankle support you'll need while playing football. A mid or high cut set of rubber cleats should work well for both.
Reply:i do!
Reply:Yeah you could. Just stay away from metal cleats when playing football. Now if your in a league thats different. They have curtain insurance policys they have to keep covered. Any sport store can help you out when purchasing cleats.


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