Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I T problem...?

Hi guys,

I wonder if anyone can help me with a software problem I'm experiencing


the moment.

Some time ago I upgraded to Girlfriend 1.0 from Drinking Mates 4.2


I'd used for years without any trouble. However, there are apparently

conflicts between these two products and the only solution was to try


run Girlfriend 1.0 with the sound turned off.

To make matters worse, Girlfriend 1.0 is also incompatible with several

other applications, such as Lads Night Out 3.1, Football 2.0 and



Successive versions of Girlfriend have proved no better. A shareware

beta-program, Party Girl 2.1 had many bugs and left a virus in my


forcing me to shut down completely for several weeks.

Eventually, I tried to run Girlfriend 1.2 and Girlfriend 1.0 at the


time, only to discover that when these two systems detected each other

they caused severe damage to my hardware.

Sensing a way out, I upgraded to Fiancee 1.0 only to discover that this

product has to be upgraded to Wife 1.0. I did this largely because,


Wife 1.0 uses up all available resources, it does come bundled with

FreeSex Plus and Cleanhouse 2000. However, I discovered that Wife 1.0


be very unstable and costly to run. For example, any mistakes I made


automatically stored in Wife 1.0's memory and could not be deleted,


then resurfaced months later. Wife 1.0 also has an automatic Diary

Explorer and E-mail pornfilter, and can, without warning, launch

Photostrop and Whingezip. These latter products have no helpfiles and

require you to try and guess the problem yourself.

Additional costly problems are that the Wife 1.0 bundle, that came with

the original system, needs updating regularly, requiring Shoe


Pro for new attachments and Hairstyle Express needs to be reinstalled

every week. It also conflicted with some of the new games I wanted to


stating that they are an illegal operation.

When Wife 1.0 attaches itself to my Nova program, it often crashes or


the system dry. Wife 1.0 also has a rather annoying pop-up called

Mother-in-Law, which can't be turned off. Recently, I've been tempted


try Mistress 2000, but there could be problems, if Wife 1.0 detects the

presence of Mistress 2000 it will delete all MS Money files before

uninstalling itself.

I T problem...?
I've seen this one before and it is a real nightmare for and computer user.

Having experienced several problems in the past I have been running singlelife 2.0 and onmyown 1.1 There are still conflicts on the system and constant harrasement from a hidden virus called expartner 1.0 and csa 2.0 though. This turns singlelife 2.0 into a minefield and it is far from plain sailing. I wish you luck.
Reply:Thanks for the Best Answer vote :-) Very kind. Glad you liked it.

Happy New Year,

Martin Report It

Reply:Give her some hardware mate!!
Reply:Wait for Vista, it will wipe out everything including the memory of what you have lost!

--That Cheeky Lad
Reply:omg lol hilariously priceless!
Reply:that was such a great
Reply:I liked this joke, never heard it before, made me laugh.
Reply:Long but funny. 10/10. You do have some serious software problems!
Reply:Just delete all software and try Single 1.0 for awhile. ☺
Reply:hehe good one! man those things can get tricky!!!! lolololololol
Reply:good 1 pmsl 10/10
Reply:You need to be careful with new software !!!!!! lol lol lol
Reply:Wow!! are we that bad

He he he Thanks for the giggle!!!
Reply:keep away from mother in law 2006 they are a bigger problem 10/10
Reply:Hiya, Sounds like you have an id-10-T error
Reply:If you get a laptop, and install the mistress 2000 software, and a compatible windows xxxp with blinds. Thats what I'm doing and it seems to be working for me.
Reply:That was very creative. I have never seen anything like that, good job. But don't download Mistress 2000, I think your whole system might shut down.
Reply:This is one of the better ones I have seen.

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