Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hey! I only want to ask somne questions just to get to know you guys better.?

I need to know whether you watch professional football games. I want to know also your shoe size. The last question is whether or not you go to Miami-Dade College -North campus. In fact, I'm making a survey. I hope I'll get lots of answers from you.

Hey! I only want to ask somne questions just to get to know you guys better.?
hmmmm my shoe size?? why??? ok its a 6 but you are 1 wierd dude!
Reply:I do watch pro football. I wear a size seven in tennis shoes and a size six in dress. I go to college else where.
Reply:No, I don't watch professional sports.

I wear a size six shoe and no I don't go to Miami Dade College North Campus.
Reply:size 7
Reply:I occasionly watch professional football games, I wear size 9 1/2 shoes and I don't go to college.


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