Sunday, October 11, 2009

What Do I Do with A Bruised Toe?

I was playing football over the weekend and i guess my shoe didnt fit me so my toes were kinda squashed inside as i was running. afterwards i saw my whole big toe bruised. its not the skin thats bruised, its the layer under my toe nail. the color is blackish purple and kind of hurts a little but i still can walk. Should i go see a doctor or will it cure by itself? im hoping i dont have to cut my whole toe nail off :(

What Do I Do with A Bruised Toe?
No big deal. If it is not too painful, it will heal fine by itself
Reply:Well, you probably did bruise it, although it could be some form of fungal problem. Unfortunately, once blood forms under a nail, it won't go away. In a fresh injury, usually a hole is formed in the nail to let the blood drain and scab. But in an older injury, the nail has to be removed.

Either way you should see your physician, especially as the toe could turn necrotic over a prolonged period.
Reply:I have the same problem with the part under my big toe nail it stings sometimes when I run...recently a piece of wood fell on my other big toe nail and the under part got darker and it came off a couple months later. If yours starts to look worse it will probaly come off...if it does it wont hurt coming off i took mine off
Reply:It will heal by itself .

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